Are you looking for the ultimate hack on how to clean the house without water? In today's blog post, we will share with you how you can not only clean, but effectively sanitise and disinfect your house without using water.
Firstly, let us introduce you to LiteZapp, our unique sanitising, deep cleaning product that will transform the way you clean your home for good. LiteZapp UVC Deep Clean is the ultimate water free cleaning solution for your home.
What is this water-free cleaning product?
LiteZapp UVC Deep Clean is a Sanitiser and Disinfectant Wand that uses ultraviolet light technology to kill 99.9% of viruses, germs, bacteria, mould and mites found in your home. LiteZapp requires no water, and there is no need to buy any additional cleaning or disinfectant products, making it not only eco-friendly but also money-savvy as it gives you more pounds in your purse!
How does it work?
It works by 'zapping' an unclean surface or object with UVC light - proven effective against killing harmful viruses, including Coronavirus, and other germs. After ten seconds, LiteZapp will turn off, and the area will be completely disinfected and sanitised. It runs on just a couple of batteries.
Is it safe?
LiteZapp is completely safe and hygienic too! You can use it on any surface or object that needs cleaning. Plus, it's eco-friendly, ensuring that you use no water and no cleaning products too!