2020 has been an extraordinary year so far and no one would have predicted this terrible pandemic we are globally fighting. Its really important that we take Government advice seriously, this means:
Stay at Home. Save Lives. Protect the NHS.
The consequences of our actions will affect not only our future, but the future for generations to come. We should only be stepping outside for a daily one hour walk and for essential travel needs (visiting doctors, pharmacies, caring for the vulnerable or doing an essential supermarket shop). We should be washing our hands with warm, soapy water for 20 seconds (sing the Happy Birthday song whilst you're doing it) after we have entered our homes from the outside, come into contact with a new object, after coughing and blowing our nose.
With the Government announcing that they are extending lockdown for another three weeks, we take a look at the 10 things that Covid-19 has taught us to clean to prevent the spread of the virus within our homes.
1. Letters & Post
It's not something we thought about before, but our letters, packages and postal items could be carrying the harmful Covid-19 virus. The virus is passed on through water droplets and these could remain 'active' between several hours to a few days and could be living on sealed envelopes, on packaging or on the contents itself. The best way to disinfect your letters and post is at the door.
2. Door Handles
OK - most of us do this often, some frequently, and a few never at all! Now, it is more important than ever to disinfect door handles especially as the virus can live on surfaces for a few days at a time and anyone could be unknowingly carrying Covid-19 before showing any symptoms.
3. Light Switches
Again, another frequently used area throughout the home, light switches should also be disinfected and cleaned regularly to prevent the spread of the deadly virus.
4. The Laptop
Working from home? Did you know that your laptop/PC can carry thousands of other germs and bacteria on it, let alone Covid-19. It's time to start disinfecting your work station now!
5. Mobile Phones
Let's face it, we use these every day. One study has suggested that we touch our mobile phones over 2,500 times a day - how crazy is that? And our phones carry a vast amount of bacteria and germs that we could be transferring to other areas of our homes.
6. The Tap
Yes, this may sound strange, but with all this extra washing of hands, we are touching the tap with 'unclean' hands. A handy tip that we learned is to carry a clean tissue to turn off the tap after washing your hands, to prevent you picking up any germs that you may have left on the tap prior to washing, and then you can dispose of the tissue in the bin.
7. Money
Money, money, money, must be funny.... actually it's not funny! We already know that the virus can stay on surfaces between a few hours to several days, and this includes on money too. Coins, notes, bank cards and your purse or wallet can be contaminated.
8. Children's Toys
Our little 'darlings' are notorious for picking things up in their mouths and spreading their germs everywhere. Children's toys and accessories, including their favourite stuffed bear, dummy, rattle or bedtime book need a once over clean.
9. Pet Accessories
For all those practising good hand washing hygiene after you enter the house from the outside, we applaud you - but what about your beloved pet accessories? Your dog leads, collars, toys and raincoat needs to be disinfected too.
10. Your Shopping + Food
Quite commonly this one is overlooked. Who has been at the supermarket before you, handling that pack of pasta or baked beans tin? Food can be sanitised including fresh fruit and vegetables, boxed goods and not forgetting take away bags and containers.
...So many things to clean, but what is the solution?
You may think that we have just added to your 'hinch' list, but don't fret, we are here to make your life easier! All of these 10 items and surfaces can be easily disinfected and sanitised, killing 99.9% of viruses, including Coronavirus, within no time at all, thanks to our LiteZapp Viva UVC Deep Clean Wand.